Dr Renuka Chittajallu

Dr Renuka Chittajallu


Languages Spoken

English, Hindi, Telugu

Special clinical interest

General Oncology with special clinical interest in breast, lung, melanoma, gastrointestinal, gynaecological and urogenital cancers.


The latest clinical developments and drug therapies

Renuka is trained in General Oncology and treats all adult solid tumour types. She completed her Medical Oncology training at St George and Prince of Wales Hospitals; and was awarded FRACP in 2013.

Since then, Renuka has been providing Medical Oncology service at Riverina Cancer Care Centre with outreach clinics to Griffith Oncology. She has gained extensive experience whilst working at different locations in Private and Public setting.

Renuka provides a unique skill set and experience with her initial specialist training at Peter MacCullum Cancer Centre, Melbourne in the field of Palliative Care. Her patients have access to her knowledge and experience across both specialities and her lovely, caring approach to providing medical diagnosis and treatment.

Renuka is actively involved in multidisciplinary care of patients and meets regularly with the respective multidisciplinary teams at Nepean Hospital and Riverina Cancer Care Centre, Wagga Wagga.

Renuka is multilingual and experienced in meeting the needs of various culturally and linguistically diverse communities. Renuka enjoys a good book, cooking, travelling; and stays fit with regular outdoor activities and the gym.

“While the work can be emotionally demanding, I find it deeply fulfilling as an oncologist to be able to create a positive impact on the lives of my patients and their families with compassionate care and support as they go through a difficult time. There have been many exciting advances in recent years that have transformed cancer care improving patient outcomes and changed the way we approach cancer treatment”.

Research, Awards and Teaching Interests

Renuka received the community recognition statement from Parliament of NSW for her contribution to the Griffith community as a medical oncologist. She travelled to Griffith from Sydney to run outreach clinics for thousands of rural cancer patients for over 7 years.

Renuka was the Director of Clinical Trials at Riverina Cancer Care Centre and the unit has grown tremendously under her leadership. She was responsible for the first Pharma based clinical trial to start at Riverina Cancer Care Centre. Her strong interest in clinical trials has given the regional patients access the latest developments and drug therapies.

Renuka educates undergraduate medical students from UNSW Rural Clinical School. Renuka regularly mentors and teaches junior doctors and was an examiner for Adult Medicine RACP Divisional clinical examinations. Renuka also educates GPs about the recent advances in cancer management across different tumour streams.

Adjunct Fellow, Centre for Research Excellence in Implementation Science in Oncology (CRE-ISO), Macquarie University


“Rates of adherence to cancer treatment guidelines in Australia and the factors associated with adherence: A systematic review”

M Bierbaum, F Rapport, G Arnolda, Y Tran, B Nic Giolla Easpaig, K Ludlow, R Clay-Williams, E Austin, B Laginha, C Yhun Lo, K Churruca, L van Baar, K Hutchinson, R Chittajallu, S Owais, R Nullwala, P Hibbert, D Fajardo Pulido, J Braithwaite

Publication in Asia-Pacific Journal of Clinical Oncology. 2023;1-27.  https://doi.org/10.1111/ajco.13948


“What is multidisciplinary cancer care like in practice? a protocol for a mixed-method study to characterise ambulatory oncology services in the Australian public sector”

B Nic Giolla Easpaig, G Arnolda, Y Tran, M Bierbaum, K Lamprell, G Delaney, W Liauw, R Chittajallu, T Winata, R Ward, D Currow, I Oliver, J Karnon, J Westbrook, J Braithwaite

Publication in BMJ Open 2019;9: e031179 {doi: 10.1136/bmjopen-2019-031179}