Dr Ramya Venkateswaran

Dr Ramya Venkateswaran

Medical Oncologist

Dr Ramya Venkateswaran trained in general medical oncology across all solid tumour types but focuses on the treatment of breast cancers and gastrointestinal tract cancers, including oesophageal, gastric, colorectal and pancreatic cancers. She is particularly interested in the emerging role of personalised therapies and genomics, as well the interaction of complementary therapies with chemotherapy and immunotherapy.

Ramya is a graduate of the University of Sydney and completed her physician training at Concord, Westmead and Nepean Hospitals. This was followed by a year of Breast Cancer Research at Royal Prince Alfred Hospital and a Clinical Fellowship at Prince of Wales Hospital. She has been involved in teaching and lecturing at both University of Western Sydney and UNSW, as part of the oncology curriculum as well the undergraduate medical degree.